Coping With Sudden Loss

cremation services in Havana, FL

It’s not simple to lose someone you care about, but it’s more difficult when death comes suddenly and unexpectedly. If you’re arranging a funeral or memorial, you may require additional assistance with cremation services in Havana, FL.

Funeral services are not easy to plan. Losing a loved one is always the most terrible and painful event, but the untimely death of a valued soul adds to the anguish.

Being unable to say one last goodbye might send you into a tizzy of mixed feelings, including astonishment, rage, denial, and excruciating pain, to mention a few. Even while no amount of time can help you cope with the loss of a loved one, there are certain steps you can implement to make the mourning process go more smoothly.

Acknowledge Your Emotions

Don’t be super hard on yourself, and understand that this is an emotional period for you, and you’re likely to go through a rollercoaster of feelings. It’s natural to feel terrible and blame yourself for the loss, especially if the deceased had unfinished business with you.

Recognize that everyone grieves in a different fashion and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to grief. Prepare yourself mentally for complex emotions and don’t be afraid to express them.

Share Your Feelings

Spending time with friends and family hastens the healing process and restores normalcy to your life, according to research. While it’s vital to take time for yourself, discussing your feelings with close friends and family can be quite useful.

It reassures you that you are not alone in your sadness and that your loved ones are aware of your loss. Receiving emotional support from others allows you to come to terms with your loss more quickly.

Get Involved in Healthy Activities

Grief has a significant impact on your mental, psychological, and physical well-being. You may feel weak and vulnerable, and even little everyday tasks may seem impossible.

A pivotal thing you can do to distract yourself from your loss is to engage in healthy activities. Don’t be afraid to engage in activities that make you happy and calm. It could be one of your favorite sports, a stroll around the park, hiking, fishing, cooking, or simply spending time with close friends in a relaxing environment.

Eat Nutritious Food and Sleep Tight

Grief makes it difficult to stick to a healthy food routine or simply eat appropriately, and it has a negative impact on physical health. Whatever you’re going through, never put your health on the line. Drink plenty of water and eat a healthy, balanced diet.

Also, exercise for at least 10-15 minutes each day and get enough sleep. Don’t isolate yourself or cut yourself off from friends and family, as this will exacerbate your mourning symptoms and make it difficult to get out of bed.

Seek Professional Helpcremation services in Havana, FL

Seek professional treatment if you can’t seem to get over the loss, even months later, or if you’re having symptoms of complicated sorrow or psychological disorders. It does not make you appear weak or vulnerable, as the abrupt loss of a loved one can be extremely devastating.

Contact an experienced, professional grief counselor instead of allowing the symptoms to grow over time and create complex health complications.

You can learn more about cremation services in Havana, FL. Talk to us at Lifesong Funerals & Cremations to schedule a consultation and learn about cremation services/funeral home services. Visit our offices in Florida or call one of our locations.

What Should I Wear To A Funeral

cremation services in Tallahassee, FL

Choosing an attire for a funeral can be incredibly challenging. While the color black is deep-rooted in funeral tradition, every funeral or service is distinct. You will have to consider several factors when deciding what to wear to a funeral, such as the time of the year, the location, the family’s wishes, and formality. However, here’s a reminder that what the grieving family requires is your support, and unless you get your attire incredibly wrong, no one would even notice what you wear. If you wish to check out the cremation options available in Tallahassee, you can Google cremation services in Tallahassee, FL for a list of the available options.

Why Is Black Worn to Funerals?

Throughout history and in various countries, people have symbolized their grief with different colors other than black. In Egypt, gold is the most popular color for funerals. In Hindu culture, white is used as their symbol for mourning, while Ghana uses red. However, in the United States, black remains the popular choice to symbolize mourning.

Historians say that while many cultures in the early Roman Empire used dark-colored attires to signify mourning, Queen Victoria of England made it popular as a mourning color. In 1861, when Prince Albert, her husband, passed away, the heartbroken queen wore black to symbolize her loss for the rest of her life. The British upper class and the entire West mimicked the queen after a while, and black became the popular symbol for mourning.

Should I Wear Black?cremation services in Tallahassee, FL

Today, wearing black to funerals is not always required; however, several people prefer to wear it because it denotes a respect for the dead. Wearing subdued colors shows you are at the funeral to mourn or offer support to a grieving family for the passing of a loved one and not to make yourself stand out. While there are several subdued colors that aren’t black – gray, dark gray, olive green, navy, etc. – black remains the most popular choice. A good rule of thumb to follow is to avoid wearing boldly patterned or bright colors and get rid of flashy fashion accessories.

Whether subdued color you decide to wear, strife to maintain an appearance of formality. Your chosen attire for a funeral service should be one you can wear to a formal engagement like an interview, a business presentation, or a networking event.

Special Funeral Services – Celebration Of Life

Many families are deciding to forego several traditional elements of mourning and funeral services, and most people specifically request that guests do not wear black. This is especially common when the deceased is old and lived a full life. The funeral service is tailored to celebrate the decease and the joys they brought into the lives of everyone they know. Families can request that guests dress in joyful and warm colors instead of black and other subdued colors.

The three primary goals of a funeral service are to honor the deceased, find closure, and comfort grieving friends and family. Your attire is secondary to this, and you shouldn’t be overly perturbed about what to wear.

You can learn more about cremation services in Tallahassee, FL. Talk to us at Lifesong Funerals & Cremations to schedule a consultation and learn about cremation services/funeral home services. Visit our offices in Florida or call one of our locations.

Burial Options After Cremation Service

cremation service in Havana, FL

Are you planning a cremation service in Havana, FL? If so, you’re part of a trend that is seeing more and more people arrange cremations rather than funerals. While the lower cost for cremations is a primary reason why people are going that route, there are other reasons. One of them involves the various things that can be done with the cremated remains after the cremation. If you’re interested in burial options after the cremation, here are some options.

Bury Urn on Private Property

Some families choose to bury the urn containing the cremated remains of their loved ones on private property. If this appeals to you, all you need to do is let the funeral director know. They’ll help you to find the right urn for whatever you wish to do with the ashes. Where on your property do you wish to bury the urn? Is there a place on the property that had been special to the deceased? If so, you can bury the run in such a location. Was the person passionate about the environment? You might want to consider getting an urn that is biodegradable.

Bury in a Cemetery

Another option is to bury the run at a cemetery. Some cemeteries will allow people to bury an urn on the burial plot of a family member who had previously been buried there. You’ll want to ask if this option is available and how much it will cost. It’s also important to know that some cemeteries have special areas reserved for the burial of urns. These urn gardens will provide you with the option you need if you desire to bury the urn containing your loved one’s ashes. If you choose to go this route, you and your loved ones will be able to visit the site whenever you want.

Bury in a Columbariumcremation service in Havana, FL

You can also bury your loved one’s urn in a columbarium. Of course, this would not constitute an underground burial. It would constitute an above-ground burial. A columbarium is a structure or building where urns are stored. These structures contain niches, which are like cubby holes, where urns can be placed. If you and yours choose to go this route, you’ll get to visit the columbarium anytime you wish. Going with an above-ground burial over an underground burial will also make retrieving and relocating the urn easier if you need to move to another city or state.

When you need the help of a provider of cremation services in Havana, FL, get in touch with us. We’re a small, family owned funeral home dedicated to helping people make body disposition arrangements. We will explain the process, answer your questions, and help you make plans. With almost two decades of experience, we have a track record of success. For the help you need, give us a call or pay us a visit. We’re here to help in any way we can. Let us help you plan a fitting final send-off for your loved one.


Tips for Finding the Right Cremation Urn

cremation services in Quincy, FL

If you’re planning a cremation for a family member who has passed away, you will want to find a funeral home specializing in cremation services in Quincy, FL. When it comes to arranging a cremation service, you’ll want to select the final service package and choose the urn. Do you know what goes into selecting an appropriate urn? Here’s a look at what to consider.

Check Out General Price List to See Your Options

When you find a funeral home you’d like to work with, ask them for the general price list. You’ll be able to look at the list to see what urns they offer and what the urns cost. If you’re unfamiliar with urns, you’ll appreciate the benefit of seeing what’s out there. It will give you some ideas. If you have any questions while looking at the price list, you can ask the funeral director. The funeral director will be able to answer your questions and to provide recommendations.

Set Your Budget

Once you’ve had a chance to see the price list and to look at urns that are available, you’ll be able to set a realistic budget. Some people prefer to spend no more than is required to get an urn for their deceased loved one’s cremated remains. You can find urns at different price points. Do figure out how much you can are willing to pay and then look for urns that fit your budget.

Figure Out What You Intend to Do with the Ashes

cremation services in Quincy, FLHave you decided what you’ll do with the ashes of your deceased loved one? You’ll be able to narrow down your search for the right urn when you figure out exactly what you’ll do with the ashes. If you want to scatter the urn on a body of water, for instance, you might seek out a water-soluble urn that will disintegrate under water. If you want to place the urn outside on your own property, you’ll likely want a sturdy urn that will hold up to the elements. When searching for an urn, inform the funeral director about your purpose for the ashes. They’ll then be able to help you select something that will suit your purpose for the ashes.


If you’re looking for the cheapest urn you can find, you won’t have as many options on the style front. But if your budget can accommodate a higher price point, then you can focus on getting a more stylish urn that stands out for all the right reasons.

When you need the help of a provider of cremation services in Quincy, FL, we’re here to assist. We’re a small, family owned funeral home dedicated to helping people make body disposition arrangements. We will explain the process, answer your questions, and help you make plans. With our almost two decades of experience, we have a track record of success. For the help you need, give us a call or pay us a visit. We’ll be honored to help you in any way you need.


Tips for Preplanning a Cremation Service

cremation services provider in Monticello, FL

One of the most effective ways to cut costs on a final service is by preplanning. You’ll have time to carefully consider your options and to make informed decisions. With all the assistance of a funeral director, you will be able to make arrangements that you’re satisfied with. So your best bet is to reach out to a cremation services provider in Monticello, FL for the help you need.

Here is a glimpse at several things to mull over if you want to preplan your cremation service.

Find Reputable Funeral Home

While you likely won’t have a lot of time to find a reputable funeral home, you need to do some research to ensure you do choose a suitable service provider. You might have heard somewhere that all funeral homes are pretty much the same. But this is incorrect. Read reviews, ask people you know for recommendations, and comb over funeral home websites. By doing these things, you’ll be able to find a death care services provider that will help you preplan.

Consider Services That Can Help Your Family

You will additionally need to think about what kind of services your family will want. When a loved one dies, they will need to mourn in a healthy way. This is one reason why events like memorial services or celebration of life services are some important after someone dies. When preplanning, take the time to ask your family what services they would appreciate.

Prepay After You Preplan

Talk about prepayment options with the funeral director. It makes sense to prepay for the final service you preplan. This will ensure your loved ones don’t have to worry about doing so after your passing. They will simply be able to focus on grieving your passing. Also consider that prepaying means saving money since the price you prepay will be honored. So your loved ones won’t get a bill reflecting any price increases since the time you prepaid.

Make Sure You Tell Your Family

After you preplan, make sure to inform your family. They’ll need to contact the funeral home you preplanned with after your passing, and they’ll need to know where you put the contractual agreement between you and the funeral home. You likely only need to let one or two people know exactly where they can find the paperwork. Your executor should definitely know this information. since they will administer your estate after your death.

cremation services provider in Monticello, FL

When you need the help of a provider of cremation services in Monticello, FL, get in touch with us. We’re a small, family owned funeral home dedicated to helping people make body disposition arrangements. We will explain the process, answer your questions, and help you make plans. With almost two decades of experience, we have a track record of success. For the help you need, give us a call or pay us a visit. We’re here to help in any way we can. Let us help you plan a fitting final send-off for your loved one.