funeral home in Havana, FL

Funeral Service Etiquette You Ought to Know…and Follow

funeral home in Havana, FL

In the event you’ll be going to a funeral service, you should understand the sort of etiquette expected of anyone who attends such gatherings. The last thing you’ll want to do at the ceremony held at a funeral home in Havana, FL is to do, say, or wear the wrong thing. This might cause embarrassment to yourself. And, even worse, it could cause pain to the grieving family.

So that you’re on your best behavior at the funeral service, here are some etiquette tips.

Don’t Skip the Funeral Service…Unless

It’s usually best to attend the funeral service. The event is a way for people to comfort the grieving family and to honor the deceased. So it’s a good idea, especially if you were close to the deceased or to a member of their family, to attend. Even so, if you believe your presence would be a distraction, it might be best to skip the funeral service altogether. So you’ll need to use your best judgment, at the end of the day, to determine whether or not you should attend.

Switch Off Phone

In case you must take a cell phone into the funeral service, set it to vibrate mode or turn it off altogether. Do not talk on the telephone during the funeral service. If you must get on the phone, leave the venue and speak out in the foyer area.

Don’t be Late

It is crucial you turn up at the funeral service on time. Make an effort to show up a bit earlier. Have you ever been to a funeral service and seen the distribution caused by people who arrive late? Don’t be one of those people. If you do show up late, wait for one of the ushers to seat you.

Express Condolences

It’s a good idea to express condolences when you arrive for the funeral service. That’s why it’s a good idea to arrive at the event a little bit early. Doing so will give you the time to talk with the grieving family and to express your condolences before the funeral service begins.

Wear the Right Clothing

Dress in an appropriate and a respectful manner. Tight-fitting or revealing clothing is a no-no. You can dress the way you would if working in an environment calling for formal wear.

Watch What You Say

Avoid speaking when the ceremony is in progress – unless you’re up front behind a microphone. There will be plenty of time before and after the funeral service for you to speak with other attendees. So avoid, as much as possible, talking during the service. And when you do find the time to speak, keep the focus on the deceased and their family.

funeral home in Havana, FL

Do you need the help of a funeral home serving Havana, FL residents? We’re here to help. We’re a small, family owned funeral home dedicated to helping people make body disposition arrangements. For the help you need, give us a call or pay us a visit. We’re here to help in any way we can.

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Lifesong Funerals

Lifesong Funerals

We have nearly twenty years serving families of all backgrounds. These families turn to us in their time of need because they are aware that we are leaders in our vocation, have the highest level of integrity and are committed to providing quality service.