Things to Contemplate When Planning a Cremation Service

Cremation services in Havana, FL

Cremation services in Havana, FL are becoming more and more common. It’s a process that involves using high heat to reduce a deceased human body to bone fragments that are then ground down into what are referred to as cremated remains. When you are contemplating preparing a cremation for a deceased loved one, here are some things to consider.

Cremation is the Body Disposition Option of Choice for Many Families

Cremation services are much more typical than are funeral services these days. This trend is expected to continue in the years ahead. There are many reasons why people choose to plan cremation services for their loved ones or to preplan cremation services for themselves. Some of these reasons, such as the lower cost and the final disposition options, will be explored below.

Reasonable Cost

If you’ve ever looked at a funeral home’s general price list, you’ll know that cremations are far less expensive than funerals. This is the main reason people are increasingly planning cremations rather than funerals. The good news is that you don’t have to jeopardize the value of the final service just because you go with the more cost-effective body disposition option.

Combine Cremation with a Service if You Want

Planning a cremation does not mean you can’t also plan a funeral, cremation, or celebration of life service. Some people believe that cremations can’t be paired with a ceremony of some sort. But this is certainly not the case. You can ask the funeral director you work with for options.

Many Final Disposition Ideas

Another reason many families plan cremations is that there are so many final disposition options. What this means is that there are plenty of choices as per what to do with the ashes. Options include, but are certainly not limited to, the following:

  • Scatter the ashes on the ground, in the air, or on the water
  • Bury the urn on property owned by the family
  • Bury urn in cemetery’s urn garden
  • Place the urn in a columbarium niche
  • Combine cremated remain s and paint before creating a portrait
  • Get memorial jewelry

Do any of these final disposition options appeal to you? If not, there are many others you can choose from. One thing you can do is ask the funeral director for some recommendations. Another thing to keep in mind is that you don’t have to limit yourself to one option. You can choose two or more final disposition options to honor your deceased loved one. This can be a good idea if you and your family can’t decide on one option.

Cremation services in Havana, FL

When you need the help of a Havana, FL cremations services or funeral services provider, we’re here for you. We’re a small, family owned funeral home dedicated to helping people make body disposition arrangements. For the help you need, give us a call or pay us a visit. We’re here to help in any way we can. Let us help you plan a fitting final send-off for your loved one.

Funeral Service Etiquette You Ought to Know…and Follow

funeral home in Havana, FL

In the event you’ll be going to a funeral service, you should understand the sort of etiquette expected of anyone who attends such gatherings. The last thing you’ll want to do at the ceremony held at a funeral home in Havana, FL is to do, say, or wear the wrong thing. This might cause embarrassment to yourself. And, even worse, it could cause pain to the grieving family.

So that you’re on your best behavior at the funeral service, here are some etiquette tips.

Don’t Skip the Funeral Service…Unless

It’s usually best to attend the funeral service. The event is a way for people to comfort the grieving family and to honor the deceased. So it’s a good idea, especially if you were close to the deceased or to a member of their family, to attend. Even so, if you believe your presence would be a distraction, it might be best to skip the funeral service altogether. So you’ll need to use your best judgment, at the end of the day, to determine whether or not you should attend.

Switch Off Phone

In case you must take a cell phone into the funeral service, set it to vibrate mode or turn it off altogether. Do not talk on the telephone during the funeral service. If you must get on the phone, leave the venue and speak out in the foyer area.

Don’t be Late

It is crucial you turn up at the funeral service on time. Make an effort to show up a bit earlier. Have you ever been to a funeral service and seen the distribution caused by people who arrive late? Don’t be one of those people. If you do show up late, wait for one of the ushers to seat you.

Express Condolences

It’s a good idea to express condolences when you arrive for the funeral service. That’s why it’s a good idea to arrive at the event a little bit early. Doing so will give you the time to talk with the grieving family and to express your condolences before the funeral service begins.

Wear the Right Clothing

Dress in an appropriate and a respectful manner. Tight-fitting or revealing clothing is a no-no. You can dress the way you would if working in an environment calling for formal wear.

Watch What You Say

Avoid speaking when the ceremony is in progress – unless you’re up front behind a microphone. There will be plenty of time before and after the funeral service for you to speak with other attendees. So avoid, as much as possible, talking during the service. And when you do find the time to speak, keep the focus on the deceased and their family.

funeral home in Havana, FL

Do you need the help of a funeral home serving Havana, FL residents? We’re here to help. We’re a small, family owned funeral home dedicated to helping people make body disposition arrangements. For the help you need, give us a call or pay us a visit. We’re here to help in any way we can.

What Will You Do with the Ashes After Your Loved One’s Cremation?

cremation service in Quincy, FL

You’ll have a lot of options as to what to do with your deceased loved one’s cremated remains after the cremation service in Quincy, FL. It’s actually one of the reasons why families arrange cremations for their deceased loved ones. Here’s a look at some options for the ashes.

Bury the Urn

One option is to bury the cremation urn. It can be buried on private property – such as in a flower garden that the deceased had loved to take care of. Another burial option is in a burial plot or an urn garden. So there are, as you can see, options if you wish to bury the urn.

Columbarium Niche

Another option is to place the urn in a columbarium niche. A columbarium is a structure that consists of niches, which are sort of like shelves or cubby holes, where urns are placed. Usually located on the grounds of a cemetery, a columbarium is the sort of place you and your other family members can visit from time to time to view the urn of a deceased loved one.


You can also scatter the cremated remains of a family member. The ashes can be scattered on the water, on the earth, and in the air. In fact, you can do two or all three of the scattering options if you and yours so desire. Some families hold a memorial or celebration of life service and then conclude the event by scattering the ashes. It can be a fitting way to give your deceased relative an honorable final send-off.

Memorial Jewelry

Many families opt to get memorial jewelry to memorialize their deceased loved ones. You can ask the funeral home you work with about your options. One option is to get the sort of memorial jewelry or cremation jewelry that contains an internal compartment where some of the cremation ashes can be inserted. This sort of jewelry is really like a small urn that is constructed to look like a piece of jewelry. So if you like jewelry, memorial jewelry can be a welcome addition to your collection. In fact, it will pack extra meaning and will become a keepsake that you cherish.

Keep the Urn at Home

Another option to consider is keeping the cremation urn in your home and displaying it a special place of honor. This might be in the family room, on a bookshelf, or somewhere else in your home.

cremation service in Quincy, FL

When you need to arrange a cremation service in Quincy, FL, get in touch to speak with one of our licensed industry professionals. We’re a small, family owned funeral home dedicated to helping people make body disposition arrangements. We will explain the process, answer your questions, and help you make plans. With almost two decades of experience, we have a track record of success. For the help you need, give us a call or pay us a visit. We’re here to help in any way we can. Let us help you plan a fitting final send-off for your loved one.

How to Plan an Affordable Funeral Service

funeral home in Quincy, FL

What are your options if you need to arrange an affordable final service at a funeral home in Quincy, FL? Depending on your financial situation, you may need to make arrangements on a smaller budget than you would like. The good news is that the funeral director at a dependable death care services provider will be able to help you arrange an affordable body disposition.

Here’s a look at some of the things you can do if you want to arrange an affordable final service.

Set Realistic Budget…and Stick to it

Your first order of business is to set a realistic budget and to do your best to stick to it. How do you set a realistic budget? You can start by looking at the general price lists for several funeral homes. These important documents will list the various cremation services, funeral services, and products that different funeral homes offer. And the prices will be included as well. As you take a look at the costs for various final services packages, you’ll see what different options cost. Only then can you set a realistic budget. The funeral director will help you stick to your budget.

Consider a Cost-Effective Cremation

Unless the deceased had said that they wanted a funeral and a casket burial, you will want to explore all your options for planning an affordable final service. One option is a cremation service. There’s no denying that going with a cremation over a funeral can result in substantial cost savings. So if your particularly cost-conscious, then a cremation will be budget-friendly. And don’t give in to the idea that the cost savings will cheapen the final service. A funeral is not better than a cremation, and a cremation is not better than a funeral. It really all depends on which one you and your family believe is best for your deceased loved one.

Select Less Costly Products

You can also save a considerable sum of money if you choose lower-cost products. This can relate to urn and urn vault if you’re arranging a cremation, or caskets and burial vault if you’re planning a funeral. So look for good deals on the products you need. And consider skipping anything that you don’t absolutely need for the funeral service or cremation service.

Accept Help

Oftentimes, friends or co-workers will be happy to make a financial contribution. While you might feel reluctant about accepting such gifts, consider whether you should graciously accept the help. Any contributions that help to defray the costs of the final service will come in lighten your financial load.

funeral home in Quincy, FL

When you need help from a Quincy, FL funeral home, get in touch to learn more about how we can help you. We’re a small, family owned funeral home dedicated to helping people make body disposition arrangements. We will explain the process, answer your questions, and help you make plans. If you need to preplan a body disposition for yourself, we can assist you with that as well. With almost 20 years of experience, we have a track record of success as death care services provider. For the help you need, give us a call or pay us a visit.

3 Things a Cremation Services Provider Won’t Ever Say to You

cremation services in Monticello, FL

When you go to a provider of cremation services in Monticello, FL, you’ll want to know you’re in capable and competent hands. It would be wrong to assume that it makes no difference which death care services provider you choose. But virtually no funeral home staff, whichever business they’re affiliated with, will ever utter any of the common myths about cremation.

Check out these 3 things that staff at a cremation services provider won’t ever dare say to you.

Myth 1: “People Only Plan Cremations Because of the Relatively Low Costs”

It’s true that cremations are cheaper than funerals and that this is a primary reason why cremations are so common. But it’s wrong to assume that that’s the only reason why people arrange cremations. Some people go with cremations over funerals because cremations are easier to plan than are funerals. And some people prefer cremations because of the things they can do with the cremated remains after the body disposition. These options include scattering the ashes, getting memorial jewelry made, and placing the urn in a columbarium niche.

Myth 2: “You Might Get a Strangers Cremated Remains in the Urn”

Some people believe that it’s possible to get multiple persons’ ashes in an urn. That’s a horrible thought. The reality is that only a single body at a time as placed inside of a cremation chamber. So if your loved one is cremated, it will only be your loved one’s ashes in the urn you take home. If you want to know how funeral homes ensure that there are no mistakes of this type, just dial them up and ask. They will take the time to explain the steps they take to identify bodies accurately throughout the entire final services process.

Myth 3: “Christians Don’t Plan Cremations”

A few decades ago, there were relatively few Christians who planned cremations over funerals. But this has now changed to the extent where more people overall choose cremations over funerals. One reason for this is that many religious denominations have chosen to accept both body disposition types. So cremations are suitable whether you are a person of faith or are not a person of faith. There are some religious bodies that don’t accept cremations, but these are in the minority.

cremation services in Monticello, FL

Are you ready to get in touch with a Monticello, FL cremation services provider that will tell you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? We’re here to help you plan or preplan a cremation or a funeral. We’re a small, family owned funeral home dedicated to helping people make body disposition arrangements. We will explain the process, answer your questions, and help you make plans. With almost two decades of experience, we have a track record of success. For the help you need, give us a call or pay us a visit. We’re here to help in any way we can. Don’t just trust any funeral home. Choose one you can trust. It will be our pleasure to help you.