If you’ve recently lost a family member and are wondering whether or not to plan a funeral service at a funeral home in Monticello, FL, the answer is that you definitely should. Sometimes people downplay the need for funeral service and may even let their family members know that a funeral service isn’t necessary after they die. As long as your deceased loved one did not outright reject the idea of a funeral service being held in their honor, it makes sense to plan them a fitting final send-off in a church, chapel, or somewhere else.
Here’s a look at 3 reasons why holding a funeral service for a deceased relative makes sense.
1. Honor the Memory of the Deceased
The main reason to hold a funeral service is to honor the memory of your deceased loved one. They were a big part of your family, and you and yours will want to give them an honorable final send-off. When people attend funeral services, they do so to pay their last respects, to show by their presence that the deceased was an important part of their lives, and to facilitate the healing process. From the eulogy to the tributes, the focus will be on the deceased.
2. Mourn Your Loss
While people go to a funeral service to honor their dead, they also go to mourn with others who are dealing with the same issue. In order to heal, you need to accept what has happened. It will be easier to do so if you can grieve both openly and corporately with people who can empathize. Bottling things up won’t do you any good at all. By holding an event in honor of your deceased family member, you will be able to create a healing experience that will benefit all attendees.
3. Gain Closure
You already know that people mourn in different ways. While you might be able to accept what has happened relatively quickly, other family members mays struggle to accept what has occurred. Holding a funeral service can help everyone to accept the reality of the situation. Accepting that a loved one really is gone is necessary in order to begin the healing process.
When you need help planning a funeral service with a Monticello, FL funeral home, we’re here to help you in any way you need. We’re a small, family owned funeral home dedicated to helping people make body disposition arrangements. We will explain the process, answer your questions, and help you plan a funeral or cremation. If you need to preplan a body disposition for yourself, we can assist you with that as well. For the help you need, give us a call or pay us a visit. Our funeral director and other members of our staff will give you all the help you need to arrange an honorable final service for your loved one.