What Are Funeral Homes Doing to Keep People Safe During COVID-19

Funeral homes in Havana, FL

Funeral homes in Havana, FL remain committed to helping people plan final services during the COVID-19 pandemic. This has required them to adapt in order to keep customers and staff safe. The coronavirus has impacted the way people are able to bury or cremate their dead. The good news in all of this is that death care services providers have adapted to help their clients.

Here’s a look at some of the things funeral homes are doing to ensure that customers and staff stay safe. You’ll see that you can have confidence in the funeral homes around and about town.

Gathering Size Limits

Funeral homes are required to limit the size of final services. So if you want to hold a funeral service in a church, you won’t be able to have a large group gathered in the venue. That might be upsetting to you if you have a large family. But government protocols call for fewer people gathered in the same space – whether indoors or outdoors. While there will be group size limits, you will at least be able to hold a service that honors your deceased loved one. You can also hold a memorial service in the weeks or months after the funeral.

Online PreplanningFuneral homes in Havana, FL

Another option if you need to make arrangements is to do it online. Some funeral homes, for instance, allow for online preplanning. So if you want to make arrangements now so that your loved ones don’t have to make plans on your behalf later, you’ll want to preplan with a funeral home. When you find a death care services provider that offers online preplanning, you simply have to go to its website and fill out the preplanning form. It will make it easy to make arrangements, and you won’t have to leave your home in order to get the job done.

Social Distancing and Masks

You can also bet that funeral homes are enforcing best practices to keep their customers and their workers safe during the pandemic. So if you do happen to go to a funeral home, you will need to wear a mask or a face shield. You will also need to practice social distancing, and there will be a supply of hand sanitizer for anyone who enters the building. Also, there will be a cap as to how many people can be in the building at the same time time, and anyone who is not feeling well will be encouraged to self-isolate at home rather than to potentially infect other people.

The funeral director at a funeral home serving Havana, FL families will offer you all the help you need. We’re a death care services provider with a track record for helping grieving families in their times of need. We’re a small, family owned funeral home dedicated to helping people make body disposition arrangements. We will explain the process, answer your questions, and help you make plans. For the help you need, give us a call or pay us a visit.


Tips for Finding the Right Cremation Urn

cremation services in Quincy, FL

If you’re planning a cremation for a family member who has passed away, you will want to find a funeral home specializing in cremation services in Quincy, FL. When it comes to arranging a cremation service, you’ll want to select the final service package and choose the urn. Do you know what goes into selecting an appropriate urn? Here’s a look at what to consider.

Check Out General Price List to See Your Options

When you find a funeral home you’d like to work with, ask them for the general price list. You’ll be able to look at the list to see what urns they offer and what the urns cost. If you’re unfamiliar with urns, you’ll appreciate the benefit of seeing what’s out there. It will give you some ideas. If you have any questions while looking at the price list, you can ask the funeral director. The funeral director will be able to answer your questions and to provide recommendations.

Set Your Budget

Once you’ve had a chance to see the price list and to look at urns that are available, you’ll be able to set a realistic budget. Some people prefer to spend no more than is required to get an urn for their deceased loved one’s cremated remains. You can find urns at different price points. Do figure out how much you can are willing to pay and then look for urns that fit your budget.

Figure Out What You Intend to Do with the Ashes

cremation services in Quincy, FLHave you decided what you’ll do with the ashes of your deceased loved one? You’ll be able to narrow down your search for the right urn when you figure out exactly what you’ll do with the ashes. If you want to scatter the urn on a body of water, for instance, you might seek out a water-soluble urn that will disintegrate under water. If you want to place the urn outside on your own property, you’ll likely want a sturdy urn that will hold up to the elements. When searching for an urn, inform the funeral director about your purpose for the ashes. They’ll then be able to help you select something that will suit your purpose for the ashes.


If you’re looking for the cheapest urn you can find, you won’t have as many options on the style front. But if your budget can accommodate a higher price point, then you can focus on getting a more stylish urn that stands out for all the right reasons.

When you need the help of a provider of cremation services in Quincy, FL, we’re here to assist. We’re a small, family owned funeral home dedicated to helping people make body disposition arrangements. We will explain the process, answer your questions, and help you make plans. With our almost two decades of experience, we have a track record of success. For the help you need, give us a call or pay us a visit. We’ll be honored to help you in any way you need.


How Can a Funeral Director Help You?

funeral home in Quincy, FL

When your family loses one of its own and you need to contact a funeral home in Quincy, FL, you’ll want to find a death care services provider that truly cares. The person you’ll deal with the most at the funeral home you choose is the funeral director. This industry professional will be able to offer a lot of assistance as you make funeral service or cremation service plans.

Here’s a look at some of the ways that the funeral director will assist you during your time of need.

Provide Comfort and Assurance

People who go to funeral homes for help are often going through a rollercoaster of emotions. Dealing with the loss of a loved one is never easy. So when you go to speak with a funeral director, you might understandably be feeling a bit down. But the funeral director will empathize with what you’re going through and offer words of encouragement. You’ll know you’re in good hands. Once you have the confidence that you’ll get the support you need, you’ll find that making funeral or cremation plans is a whole lot easier and a lot less stressful.

Explain Your Final Service Options

You can also expect the funeral director to explain your final service package options. Do you want to plan a funeral service? Would you prefer to arrange a cremation service? The funeral director will give you a general price list so that you can see everything the funeral home offers.

Book Venue

The funeral director can also help you book the venue if you’re planning a funeral service. As well, they can help to set up the space. This can be a good idea if you’ll be ordering floral bouquets to decorate the venue where the service will take place.

Help with Forms

When it comes to planning a final service, you will have to fill out quite a few documents. The funeral director will help you. Firstly, they will let you know everything that needs to be done. Secondly, they will help you through the process. For instance, they will facilitate the process needed to obtain a death certificate. This document is needed to proceed with the final service.

Assist with Choosing Products

If you’re planning a funeral service, you’ll need a casket. If you’re planning a cremation service, you’ll need an urn. Most people know little to nothing about how to select the right one. But you’ll be able to rely on the funeral director’s expertise to buy the products you need.

funeral home in Quincy, FL

The funeral director at a funeral home serving Quincy, FL families will offer you all the help you need. We’re a death care services provider with a track record for helping grieving families in their times of need. We’re a small, family owned funeral home dedicated to helping people make body disposition arrangements. We will explain the process, answer your questions, and help you make plans. For the help you need, give us a call or pay us a visit.

Tips for Preplanning a Cremation Service

cremation services provider in Monticello, FL

One of the most effective ways to cut costs on a final service is by preplanning. You’ll have time to carefully consider your options and to make informed decisions. With all the assistance of a funeral director, you will be able to make arrangements that you’re satisfied with. So your best bet is to reach out to a cremation services provider in Monticello, FL for the help you need.

Here is a glimpse at several things to mull over if you want to preplan your cremation service.

Find Reputable Funeral Home

While you likely won’t have a lot of time to find a reputable funeral home, you need to do some research to ensure you do choose a suitable service provider. You might have heard somewhere that all funeral homes are pretty much the same. But this is incorrect. Read reviews, ask people you know for recommendations, and comb over funeral home websites. By doing these things, you’ll be able to find a death care services provider that will help you preplan.

Consider Services That Can Help Your Family

You will additionally need to think about what kind of services your family will want. When a loved one dies, they will need to mourn in a healthy way. This is one reason why events like memorial services or celebration of life services are some important after someone dies. When preplanning, take the time to ask your family what services they would appreciate.

Prepay After You Preplan

Talk about prepayment options with the funeral director. It makes sense to prepay for the final service you preplan. This will ensure your loved ones don’t have to worry about doing so after your passing. They will simply be able to focus on grieving your passing. Also consider that prepaying means saving money since the price you prepay will be honored. So your loved ones won’t get a bill reflecting any price increases since the time you prepaid.

Make Sure You Tell Your Family

After you preplan, make sure to inform your family. They’ll need to contact the funeral home you preplanned with after your passing, and they’ll need to know where you put the contractual agreement between you and the funeral home. You likely only need to let one or two people know exactly where they can find the paperwork. Your executor should definitely know this information. since they will administer your estate after your death.

cremation services provider in Monticello, FL

When you need the help of a provider of cremation services in Monticello, FL, get in touch with us. We’re a small, family owned funeral home dedicated to helping people make body disposition arrangements. We will explain the process, answer your questions, and help you make plans. With almost two decades of experience, we have a track record of success. For the help you need, give us a call or pay us a visit. We’re here to help in any way we can. Let us help you plan a fitting final send-off for your loved one.


Tips to Help Personalize a Funeral Service

funeral home in Monticello, FL

Are you about to plan a funeral service with the help of a funeral director at a funeral home in Monticello, FL? If so, you’ll want to weigh your options. You and your family may, in order to give your deceased loved one an extra special final send-off, want to personalize the event.

Here are some things to mull over if your goal is to give the funeral service extra significance.

Adopt a Theme

One way you can personalize a funeral service is by adopting a theme. If the deceased had been a football fan, you can encourage attendees to wear sports jerseys. You can also use cultural heritage as a theme. This might involve asking attendees to wear appropriate traditional garb. What if the deceased had a favorite color? You can ask people to wear clothes of a specific hue. Doing things like this can make the funeral service more personal and enjoyable.

Incorporate Music

Did the deceased love music? You can incorporate music into the funeral service. Whether they had loved a specific genre, a particular group, or a specific song, you can include it in the funeral service. You can either play music or have people sing along. Doing so can make the funeral service more personal and more meaningful for you, your family, and friends of the deceased.

Get Others to Participate

Ask people to take part by giving tributes to honor the deceased, by sharing their talents through reciting poetry or singing songs, and by doing other things. The funeral service will be more significant and meaningful if everyone does something. It is true that some people are more reserved than others, but try to think up ways that will involve everyone who wants to be involved. This might be as simple as having attendees sing hymns or other types of songs.

Stay Positive

When planning a funeral service, it’s important to remember the importance of being positive. Focus on the impact the deceased had had on other people. Focus on how they used to put other people’s needs above their own. Focus on the hopes and dreams they had. Focus on the importance of living life to the fullest extent possible, remembering that it can all be over too soon. When the focus is on the positive, people will leave the funeral services empowered to live their best lives.

funeral home in Monticello, FL

We’re the only Monticello, FL funeral home you need in your corner when the time comes to arrange your loved one’s final send-off. We’re a small, family-owned funeral home dedicated to helping people make body disposition arrangements. We will explain the process, answer your questions, and help you make plans. With almost two decades of experience, we have a track record of success. For the help you need, give us a call or pay us a visit. We’re here to help in any way we can. Let us help you plan a fitting final send-off for your loved one.