In the history of mankind, losing someone you love has never been, and will never be, easy. It’s heart-wrenching and difficult on your mind, body, and soul, but grief can be cathartic. The mourning process can be a healing process in the same instance. And your choice of funerary services and disposition methods, like cremation services in Tallahassee, FL, are prime examples of how you can garner peace of mind through a final goodbye.
Cremation is one of the most popular disposition methods available to the general public. The process involves burning the decedent down to ashes, allowing loved ones to keep those ashes in an urn or scatter them somewhere the decedent loved to be, like the sea or mountains. It’s often seen as a peaceful and eco-friendly disposition method, and one preferred by those that have passed away.
To the title question
Yes, some religions frown upon cremation and opt for burials instead. Those of Islamic or Jewish faiths, for instance, are heavily opposed to cremation because they believe that the act of burning a body is defamation of the deceased. Other religions, such as Buddhism, believe that cremation is purifying the body, allowing the soul to cleanly cut ties to its corporeal form.
In the United States, Christianity is the most prominent religion with subcategories, like Protestant, Baptist, and Catholic. Some offshoots of Christianity are for cremation, while others are opposed. Catholicism, for instance, is opposed, as they believe that the Holy Bible views fire as the equivalent of damnation. They also believe in the stories of Christ’s resurrection, which involves burial to preserve the body.
Cremation is a personal choice and belief. One that plays a big part in the funerary and disposition path someone chooses for when they pass away. There’s no right or wrong belief or choice here, as long as someone’s wishes are honored with the utmost respect.
Does the Act of Cremation Take All Day?
Most people are surprised at how long it takes for a body to be cremated. The cremation chamber, also known as a retort, gets up to 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s hot enough to burn away organic matter, like skin, fat, and muscle, in under two hours.
Hair burns first because the filaments are quick to catch fire. Bones will burn last because they are the toughest and contain bits of calcium and other matter. In the process, the bones are purified and reduced to ash. Some crematoriums will go back and grind the bones into finer powder after cremation.
The process of cremation is peaceful and, of course, painless. Some people are concerned that their loved ones will somehow feel being cremated, but deceased persons don’t feel anything any longer. Crematorium staff and funeral directors often emphasize the fact that cremation is a painless, simple disposition process.
Do Fillings and Gold Teeth Melt During Cremation?
Yes! Gold and other metals will melt during the cremation process. Remains are stirred and repositioned as the body is burned down, so melted metals and other materials are mixed into the ashes. After cremation services loved ones have six weeks to collect the remains of a decedent before the ashes are stored in a vault of unclaimed cremains.
You can learn more about cremation services in Tallahassee, FL. Talk to us at Lifesong Funerals & Cremations to schedule a consultation and learn about cremation services/funeral home services. Visit our offices in Florida or call one of our locations.