Funeral homes in Havana, FL

What’s the Difference Between a Traditional Funeral and a Modern Celebration of Life?

Funeral homes in Havana, FL

Funeral homes in Havana, FL, are often known for their traditional funerary methods. Traditional funerals are characterized by a roster of classic services. For instance, the funeral might begin with a meet and greet of the close family of the deceased, followed by formal words by either a church officiant or funeral director. The eulogy is custom, often written by the funeral director, and followed by the decedent’s favorite hymns, songs, quotes, or poems. There could even be multiple eulogies, reworded as stories and memories from loved ones.

However, there’s nothing saying that traditional funerals are always the best way to go about saying farewell to a deceased loved one. Modern celebrations of life have soared in popularity, with more people planning their own funerary services in accordance with good times and their favorite memories. Most celebrations of life don’t take place in a funeral home, but instead are held somewhere special, like a decedent’s home or favorite place.

Both Traditional Funerals and Celebrations of Life Can Have Eulogies… What Should You Say?

Some people fly by the proverbial seat of their pants when reciting eulogies. However, if you’re the organized type, there are better ways that you can plan eulogies that tug on heartstrings and evoke strong emotions from your audience.

  • Sit down somewhere quiet and reminisce. Conjure all of the good things about your loved one. Write them down in no particular order. Include some of your favorite memories and stories.


  • When you’ve narrowed your memories down to a short list of good points, organize a draft. Write in paragraphs and write as you speak.


  • Review your eulogy by reading it out loud, over and over again, until it sounds perfect. Practice your speech! Sometimes, even if you’re comfortable with speaking in public, it can be challenging to get through a eulogy for someone you loved. Practice will help you keep your strongest emotions in check.


  • Don’t feel rushed. Writing a eulogy usually takes one to two hours.

The average eulogy is 5 to 10 minutes in length. That’s roundabout 700 to 1500 words of meaningful content.

How Long Do Traditional Funerals Last in Comparison to Celebrations of Life?

Traditional funerals can last from one to two hours, with one hour for the funerary services and forty minutes to one hour for visitations. Funeral homes are more rigid about funerary schedules, whereas celebrations of life are equivalent to parties or reunions for friends and family. Celebrations of life can be anywhere, and they can last for as long as guests see fit.

Funeral homes are ideal for traditional funerals and celebrations of life because everything you need is there. You can utilize whatever facilities would best suit your need for remembrance. While costs for funeral homes and traditional funeral services are steeper than celebrations of life, remembrance is an important part of the grieving process. Hence, regardless of your preferred funerary method, it’s imperative that you assess and accept the passing of a loved one in a healthy, peaceful way.

Funeral homes in Havana, FL

You can learn more about funeral homes in Havana, FL. Talk to us at Lifesong Funerals & Cremations to schedule a consultation and learn about cremation services/funeral home services. Visit our offices in Florida or call one of our locations.

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Lifesong Funerals

Lifesong Funerals

We have nearly twenty years serving families of all backgrounds. These families turn to us in their time of need because they are aware that we are leaders in our vocation, have the highest level of integrity and are committed to providing quality service.