Funeral homes provide a cremation service in Tallahassee, among many other things. You may not realize all that funeral homes do to make the funeral process for your deceased loved one easier for you and your family.
All of that is because the funeral home has a staff that genuinely cares about you and family’s needs, as well as about the needs of your loved one who has died. People who choose to be involved in providing funeral home services do it because they care about people.
Many of them choose funeral homes as their career because of their experiences with a friendly and supportive funeral home when they lost a loved one earlier in life. You will find some of the kindest, most patient, most gentle, and most serving people working in funeral homes.
That’s important to you and your family when you are grieving the death of your loved one.
You will also find that the people who work in funeral homes are knowledgeable and they provide excellent counsel on funeral planning and they have a large network of resources within the community to make sure that everything you and your loved one wanted for the funeral process happens.
Think about why you chose this funeral home. Perhaps you and your loved one sat down with the funeral director years, months, or even weeks ago, and talked about what you wanted for your funerals. Maybe that was the first time you met the funeral director, but they were so kind and caring that it made a huge impression on you.
Perhaps everyone in your family, for several generations, has used this funeral home. The reason for that was because of their service to all your loved ones and the trust and loyalty they’ve built up with your family and the community over the years.
Trust and loyalty can’t be overestimated, especially in the face of death. When you lose somebody you love, you become vulnerable. You are grieving and you aren’t thinking clearly about anything expect your loved one’s death. Having trust in the funeral home to be there, to take care of things, and to take care of you and your family and your deceased loved one is one of the most reassuring feelings you can have when you’re grieving.
Funeral homes do everything in death. They transport your loved one’s body from the place where they died. They meet with you and your family to make funeral arrangements. They don’t leave any stone unturned to make sure your wishes are met.
They will ask about the type of cremation you want. They will help you with urn selection, keepsake selection, memorial jewelry selection, and any other types of memorial items you may want for your loved one. They will help with the obituary if you don’t have one already written.
If you choose to have a memorial video, they will help you put that together. All you have to do is provide them with pictures and song selections, and they will create a beautiful tribute video for your loved one.
If you need the memorial service livestreamed or recorded, especially now with the COVID-19 restrictions that limit how many people can attend the service in person, the funeral home will help make that happen.
The funeral home staff will become friends. Although you may not socialize with them the way you would with other friends, they become part of your inner circle that you know you can call on at any time and they will be there.
For more information about any cremation service in Tallahassee, our caring and knowledgeable staff at Lifesong Funerals & Cremations is here to assist you.