funeral homes in Tallahassee, FL

Funeral Service Cost: A Comprehensive Guide

funeral homes in Tallahassee, FL

Funeral Service

Average Cost 

Funeral service with cremation – With casket present and visitation rights.  $7,000 – $9,500 
Cremation with memorial services – Without casket present and visitation rights.  $4,000 – $6,000 
Standard funeral service – With visitation and casket present.  $12,500 – $17,500 
Funeral service – Without casket present and visitation rights.  $11,500 – $15,500 


In funeral homes In the United States, especially the funeral homes in Tallahassee, FL, the average cost for a standard funeral service included the necessary services, such as the burial service costs, embalming of the deceased, the viewing ceremony, etc., ranging from $7,000 – $12,000. 

The cost of a funeral, including cremation, ranges from $6,000 to $7000 for those that choose to do so. It’s worth noting that the price does not include the cemetery, flowers, or other optional services for some funeral homes. They are mostly regarded as add-on services. 

There has been a steady rise in the average funeral cost of services provided by funeral homes for quite some time now. Depending on whether a person is buried or cremated, the average funeral service can cost $9,000. Based on the style and material of the casket and urn, considerable expenses may be drawn to its purchase. 

Funeral Service Cost: Cremation Services 

It is estimated that cremation costs around $7,000, according to the NFDA (National Funeral Directors Association). Low-budget cremation services are generally within $1,000 – $3,000. A high-budget service can cost from $6,000 to $8,000. Costs vary depending on the services required. By 2025, the cremation rate is expected to exceed 63%, according to the NFDA 2020 report on Cremation and Burial. 

Funeral Service Cost: Burial Services 

The NFDA provides a rough estimation for the funeral service cost of burial ceremonies, which is roughly $9,420. The price provided by the NFDA excludes add-on services such as the plot for burial/cemetery, transportation of the casket and family members, flowers, etc. As a general rule for funeral services, the cost depends on the funeral home and location. Full breakdown: 

Funeral Service Cost: Burial Services 

Average Cost 

Funeral Service Cost: Burial Services 

Average Cost 

Transport of the deceased to the funeral home  $350  Service Car  $150 
Embalming  $775  Hearse  $350 
Metal Casket  $2,500  Vault  $1,572 
Total Cost with Vault  $9,420  Funeral with viewing and burial inclusive  $7,848 
Average basic funeral home fee  $2,300  Make-up and Styling of the Deceased  $275 

funeral homes Tallahassee, FL

Funeral service cost: Add-on services 

Add-on services provided by funeral homes are not included in the essential funeral service cost. They are options that the deceased families may select upon request to the funeral home. They include: 

  • Burial Plot: Burial plots vary by cemetery and location. A burial plot purchase range is between $1,000- $4,500.
  • Burial Vault: The purpose of a burial vault is to prevent decay to the corpse. The bereaved family can request this for various personal reasons. A burial vault purchase range is between $500- $5,000.
  • Headstone: The headstone price for the deceased’s burial plot ranges from $1,000 – $3,000.
  • Casket: A casket can be gotten from anywhere. No rule prohibits where quality caskets can be purchased from. The range of quality caskets is between $2,000 – $10,000.
  • Viewings: Each viewing session held increases service cost. The range of viewings is between $500 – $1000.

Every funeral is unique, just like the people whose lives they honor. It may be more appealing to you to have one type of funeral than the other because of your culture, race, religion, or financial circumstances. That’s why funeral homes provide funeral services specifically tailored to your needs and requests. 

You can learn more about funeral homes in Tallahassee, FL. Talk to us at Lifesong Funerals & Cremations to schedule a consultation and learn about cremation services/funeral home services. Visit our offices in Florida or call one of our locations. 

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Lifesong Funerals

Lifesong Funerals

We have nearly twenty years serving families of all backgrounds. These families turn to us in their time of need because they are aware that we are leaders in our vocation, have the highest level of integrity and are committed to providing quality service.