When a loved one dies, you’re often left with a mash-up of emotions. If they had been sick for a long time, then you feel relief, and even a semblance of joy, that your loved one is no longer in suffering and pain. There’s also sadness, immense grief, dread, depression, and even despair – all of which are normal feelings, and you shouldn’t feel guilt over how you feel after the death of a loved one. If you go through funeral homes in Quincy, FL, you’ll discover compassion and a friend to lean on from the funeral directors employed there.
Funeral directors have an innate sense of understanding and care. They are the kind of people that would stop in the middle of the road to rescue an animal. The kind of people that genuinely care about others because they were born with natural empathy. They know how you feel and genuinely want to help you move forward through the mourning process.
There’s no right or wrong way to grieve, and any reliable, respectable funeral director will tell you that. Grief comes in many forms. Sometimes it hits you immediately, while other times it could take months for the reality of someone’s death to set in. There’s no shame in either, and you shouldn’t feel guilty or ashamed over how you feel after the death of someone close to you.
What are the Duties of a Funeral Director?
The funeral director’s main role is to be at the service of the decedent’s loved ones. Those that are placed in charge of planning the funeral are the ones that a funeral director will work most closely alongside. Directors will help to organize funeral services, help to transport the decedent from the place of death to the funeral home, prepare the bodies for viewing services, and handle the paperwork.
Side note: While some funeral directors prepare decedents with services like embalming, not all do. Make sure you ask the director about preparation before you book with a funeral home.
The entirety of the funeral process, from beginning to end, is in the hands of the funeral director. For those having an especially difficult time coping with the death of a loved one, the director can assign grief counselors and suggest further counseling sessions to help grieving friends and family move forward and find peace of mind.
Do Funeral Directors Still Care After the Funeral is Over?
A lot of people are under the impression that funeral directors are done with their job once the funeral is over. And that’s true in the business sense. However, directors are still compassionate people, and they will often offer further services and counseling help after the funeral. If you find yourself struggling weeks, or even months, after a funeral, you can call a director for insight into where you can find counseling for help.
Funeral directors employed by funeral homes are notably some of the most understanding and empathetic people in the funerary business. You can rely on them to help you ease your grief and guide you through both the funerary and mourning processes.
You can learn more about funeral homes in Quincy, FL. Talk to us at Lifesong Funerals & Cremations to schedule a consultation and learn about cremation services/funeral home services. Visit our offices in Florida or call one of our locations.