Funeral homes in Quincy, FL

Does a Celebration of Life Have to Take Place at a Funeral Home?

Funeral homes in Quincy, FL

Funeral homes in Quincy, FL are well-known for their compassionate funeral directors, all of whom are well-trained to ease the grief of loved ones that attend funerary services to mourn the death of someone they cared about. These funeral directors are often the shoulders to cry on, keeping distance where it’s due, but also being a point of comfort when someone needs empathy and sympathy in a moment of hurt.

However, while funeral directors are amazing people, there’s no denying that funeral homes aren’t the grieving environment that everyone wants. Some people are uncomfortable with the morose reputation that funerals have. They need life, light, and joyful feelings over mourning and grief.

Celebrations of life have soared in popularity over the last decade or so, allowing loved ones to grieve, together, but in a way that highlights the good times and positive memories of the deceased. The bonus? Celebrations of life can happen anywhere.

How Many People Can a Funeral Home Accommodate for Funerary Services?

The answer to this question is dependent on the size and regulations of the funeral home. Each one is different, so the number of people in attendance for a visitation would depend on funerary policies at that particular funeral home. Some funeral homes can accommodate 20 to 50 people at a time, while others can accommodate 100 or more. You have to shop around to find the funeral home that best suits your needs.

In some cases, there are funeral homes that offer outdoor spaces, kind of like picnic areas, for gatherings and celebrations of life. Visitation would be indoors, of course, but the sharing of memories and good times could be an outdoors affair.

Celebrations of Life are Like Big Parties – a Final Farewell of Favorites for a Loved One

What was your loved one’s favorite music? Did they have a song that they couldn’t help but sing every time they heard it? What were their favorite foods? Did they have a favorite color or theme? Celebrations of life are celebrations of favorites. They are a conglomeration of everything that a person loved while they were alive.

So, when planning a celebration of life, include as many favorites as possible. Ask family and friends to bring memories with them, from good foods to great music, and simply reminisce and enjoy those things in your loved one’s honor.

When most people think of their final moments, they see themselves surrounded by friends and family, perhaps lying in a casket while mourners file past. Others, however, envision those same friends and family members drinking a beer, sharing some laughs, maybe a few tears, and telling stories about how funny, smart, and awesome their loved one was.

The point is… everyone’s grieving process is different. You might be more comfortable with one of the reliable funeral homes, or your idea of a perfect send-off could be a celebration of life at your childhood home. Whatever the case may be, there are options, and you have time to make that decision.

Funeral homes in Quincy, FL

You can learn more about funeral homes in Quincy, FL. Talk to us at Lifesong Funerals & Cremations to schedule a consultation and learn about cremation services/funeral home services. Visit our offices in Florida or call one of our locations.

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Lifesong Funerals

Lifesong Funerals

We have nearly twenty years serving families of all backgrounds. These families turn to us in their time of need because they are aware that we are leaders in our vocation, have the highest level of integrity and are committed to providing quality service.