funeral homes in Tallahassee, FL

Understanding The 3 Types Of Grief

funeral homes in Tallahassee, FL

Grief is expressed in different manners for different people, but there are some common themes. Do you have a difficult time grieving after funeral homes in Tallahassee, FL? Here are some things to keep in mind.

Grief is the emotional pain you experience when someone close to you is taken from you, usually after death. Anger, disbelief, sadness, anxiety, and melancholy are all examples of negative feelings that can accompany grief.

However, not everyone feels all of these feelings in the same order. How one handles grief is primarily determined by the type of grief and the nature of the loss. Here is some information to help you recognize different types of grief and how to cope with them.

1. Traumatic Grief

Among the most common types of grieving is traumatic grief. As the name implies, catastrophic grieving occurs when a loved one dies unexpectedly or suddenly, making it one of the most powerful and perplexing emotions for many.

Anger, remorse, disbelief, and even agonizing denial are some of the emotions that a mourning person may experience. These feelings are often unsettling and overwhelming, and they might lead to inquiries.

The simplest method to cope with catastrophic loss is to keep a healthy daily routine and socialize with friends and family. It’s easier said than done, but if you’re feeling isolated, you can seek assistance from support groups.

2. Anticipatory Grief

When a loved one is diagnosed with a terminal illness and is anticipated to die soon, this form of grieving sets in. You know your loved one will leave you deep down, and you can foresee the loss, but your heart is unable to accept the reality. Anticipatory sadness is just as difficult and terrible as any other sort of grief.

Those expecting their own death, particularly the elderly and those with a terminal condition, may experience anticipatory sadness as the prospect of abandoning their loved ones, their financial problems, or not being able to spend enough time with them can be overpowering.

People tend to spend as much time with family as possible at these times, putting their final affairs on hold to avoid the inevitable loss. Similarly, attempting to resolve any unsolved family or personal difficulties can aid in coping with the impending loss.

3. Masked Grief

Masked grief refers to a circumstance in which a grieving individual tries to hide their emotional pain and suffering following a loss.

Most private figures use it as a protective strategy to appear powerful in front of their friends and family because they are terrified of appearing fragile or soft. However, grief does not imply weakness, and concealing it just adds to the problem.

funeral homes in Tallahassee, FL

Parents Mask Their Grief for Their Children

People that deal with this type of grief usually refuse to call it what it is, but you should encourage them to open up and talk about their feelings. If you or someone you know is experiencing trouble opening up, the best way to overcome it is to seek support from a close friend or a professional.

You can learn more about funeral homes in Tallahassee, FL. Talk to us at Lifesong Funerals & Cremations to schedule a consultation and learn about cremation services/funeral home services. Visit our offices in Florida or call one of our locations.

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Lifesong Funerals

Lifesong Funerals

We have nearly twenty years serving families of all backgrounds. These families turn to us in their time of need because they are aware that we are leaders in our vocation, have the highest level of integrity and are committed to providing quality service.