funeral homes in Quincy, FL

How to Set Up a Memorial Display

funeral homes in Quincy, FL

There are endless ways of personalizing the place where the funeral service of a loved one will be held. The service can be made more warm and personal by displaying memorabilia, photos, and collections of the time spent before passing on. While it might take a while to find the best photos and memorabilia to put on display, it’ll be worth it. The venue where the funeral service would be held would likely have several places for setting up memorial displays to honor the dead and remind the living of joyful memories. You can check out the funeral homes in Quincy, FL if you’re looking for a funeral home that offers cremation memorial services.

Display Photographs

Search through the family photo album (or on Facebook) and select pictures that show the deceased in all stages of their life. You shouldn’t try looking for perfect pictures as the aim of the photos is to remember all times of their lives. Pick photos from all stages of their lives and then prepare them for display by cleaning the glass and wiping down the frames.

While it can be especially difficult to go through old pictures, especially before a funeral, psychologists say it’s a great bonding idea for the entire family or group of friends. Be sure to have a private look at the pictures with family and close friends, giving time for the emotions that will inevitably well up. If you find just small photos of the deceased, it is a good idea to enlarge them before displaying them. You could delegate this task to friends who have asked how they can help you, so you do not have to do all of it alone.

Place a large recently taken photo at the entrance and by the guest book and spread the other photos around the space where the funeral service is holding. Most people recommend standing a large photo on the casket in a way that is easily seen by everyone gathered.

Showcase Hobbies

If the deceased was an avid admirer or follower of any hobby, you could add this personal touch into the funeral service. If they were an enthusiastic gardener or an intense fisherman, you could bring in their favorite plant, favorite fishing rods or display a photo of a notable achievement. It can be an especially big catch. Family and friends will take a look at these and recall fond memories of time spent with the deceased.

Display Their Collections

This is especially recommended if the deceased were a collector or if they had a favorite item. It is a great idea to add their collections to their funeral services. You could hang them around, pin them up or simply strew them on the floor depending on what the collection is. Filling the funeral space with the deceased collection is an especially moving and beautiful way to add to describe their life story. It can also be a practical way of getting rid of most of these collections in a touching way, especially if the family has decided against holding onto the entire collection. Guests should be encouraged to pick a piece in memory of the deceased.

funeral homes in Quincy, FLAvoid Overcrowding

The options above open up several excellent ways to design the funeral space, however, remember to be choosy when selecting items to be displayed. While you could tell a beautiful story of their lives and recall fond memories to the mind of visitors, picking too many things and then overcrowding them can leave friends, family, and other guests feeling overwhelmed by too many memories. Be very selective when selecting items to display as funerals should be a time of acceptance and the beginning of the healing process.

You can learn more about cremation services funeral homes in Quincy, FL. Talk to us at Lifesong Funerals & Cremations to schedule a consultation and learn about cremation services/funeral home services. Visit our offices in Florida or call one of our locations.

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Lifesong Funerals

Lifesong Funerals

We have nearly twenty years serving families of all backgrounds. These families turn to us in their time of need because they are aware that we are leaders in our vocation, have the highest level of integrity and are committed to providing quality service.