cremation services in Quincy, FL

How to Plan a Cremation Ceremony

cremation services in Quincy, FL

Unsurprisingly, the traditional funeral ceremony has evolved due to the growing number of people who prefer cremation after they pass away, and cremation services in Quincy, FL can help with all cremation needs.

According to a recent survey, families are now planning cremation ceremonies rather than traditional funerals. Instead of choosing a casket, families opt for an urn to hold their loved one’s ashes. Families that select cremation instead of having a funeral service immediately after a loved one’s death can wait for better weather or a more convenient period.

Find Out What Cremation Options Are Available To You

What is the meaning of a cremation ceremony?

A cremation ceremony is one of three ceremonies often referred to as such. Cremation services in the United States nearly typically include a scattering ceremony. Before scheduling this function, the family researches the state’s regulations for scattering ashes. They then plan a memorial ceremony to coincide with the dispersal of the ashes of their loved ones.

Discuss With The Family

So that you may understand more about how they feel about cremation and what they would want, it is a good idea to engage your family in the conversation. The deceased’s family members must sign a paper permitting cremation in several places by law.

Consult With A Funeral Director

Funeral directors must guarantee that the requirements of the deceased’s family are addressed, no matter what the circumstances may be. The funeral director’s role also includes guiding the family on making the funeral or cremation a success. Funeral directors also ensure that the remains of your loved one are appropriately transported. The funeral home service company usually provides this service.

Decide What Kind Of Ceremony You’d Like To Have.

You can have a typical funeral followed by cremation, a cremation followed by a memorial service, or you can postpone the ceremony until you have time to prepare a memorial service, a celebration of life, or a scattering ceremony.

Enlist The Help Of Your Family And Friends

When putting up an event that will live long in the memory, enlist the help of as many people as possible as a starting point, ask them to collect family photographs, write out any stories they’d want to share, and figure out the best location for the event. As soon as possible, you should seek out the services of someone who can write a eulogy for your loved one.

cremation services in Quincy, FL

Other Preparations

Choose the music, prayers, or other readings you want to use. You are not required to have any of these items, but you should plan ahead of time what you and your guests will do during the event. Also, make contact with guests ahead of time. This is particularly critical if they need to travel or take time off work.

Decide On What Will Happen To The Cremated Remains

A memorial service’s visual presentation is often centered around an urn, typical practice. If this is the case, will you be bringing it back to your residence? What will be done with the remains after they have been appropriately disposed of. During the ceremony, will they be buried or dispersed? Cremation services in Quincy, FL would be honored to help you and your family with further inquiries and assistance on your cremation needs.

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Lifesong Funerals

Lifesong Funerals

We have nearly twenty years serving families of all backgrounds. These families turn to us in their time of need because they are aware that we are leaders in our vocation, have the highest level of integrity and are committed to providing quality service.